Home Family Travel 20 Travel Tips for Family Travel

20 Travel Tips for Family Travel

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Traveling with your family can be a thrilling and rewarding experience. It’s a chance to create unforgettable memories and strengthen the bond between you and your loved ones. However, family travel also comes with its fair share of challenges and considerations. From planning and packing to keeping everyone entertained and comfortable, there are many factors to take into account. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with expert tips and insights to ensure a smooth and enjoyable family adventure.

Preparing for the Journey

1. Involve Your Kids in the Planning Process

Getting your children involved in the planning process can make them more excited and engaged in the trip. While you may not let them choose the destination entirely, you can include them in decision-making by letting them choose activities or research fun facts about the places you’ll be visiting. This way, they feel a sense of ownership and anticipation for the journey ahead.

2. Leverage Travel as an Opportunity for Education

Traveling with kids presents a unique opportunity to combine fun and learning. Take advantage of educational travel experiences that teach your children something new. Many hotels, resorts, and tour companies now offer programs and activities designed to engage young minds. Allowing your children’s interests to guide the itinerary can enhance their engagement and make the trip more enriching for everyone.

3. Consider Using a Travel Company

Organizing a trip with kids can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not a natural planner. If the thought of coordinating every detail overwhelms you, consider using a travel company that specializes in family travel. These experts can help you navigate the logistics, find family-friendly accommodations, and plan age-appropriate activities, saving you time and reducing stress.

4. Encourage Little Travelers to Pack Their Bags

Give your children a sense of responsibility and excitement by letting them pack their own bags. Even young kids can have a small backpack with their favorite toys, books, and snacks. This not only helps them feel independent but also teaches them valuable skills in organization and decision-making.

5. Choose the Right Travel Stroller

Investing in a lightweight and compact travel stroller can make your life much easier while on the go. Look for a stroller that is easy to fold and maneuver, especially if you’ll be navigating crowded airports or uneven terrain. The convenience of a travel stroller cannot be overstated, as it can double as a snack station, nap spot, and mode of transport for your little one.

Flying with Kids

6. Take Advantage of Free Flights for Infants

If you’re traveling within the United States, take advantage of the policy that allows infants and toddlers under two years old to fly on the lap of an adult for free. This can significantly reduce the cost of your trip and provide a cozy and familiar environment for your little one.

7. Book Bulkhead Seats

When flying with a lap infant, opt for bulkhead seats whenever possible. Some airlines provide in-flight bassinets for babies in these seats, giving you a designated area for your baby to sleep or play. Additionally, the extra legroom and space to move around can make the journey more comfortable for everyone.

8. Make Use of Priority Boarding

Most airlines offer priority boarding for families traveling with young children. Take advantage of this perk to get settled before the rush of other passengers and ensure that you have enough time to organize your belongings and settle your kids before takeoff.

9. Gate-Check Car Seats and Strollers for Free

Instead of checking your car seat or stroller at the baggage drop-off, consider gate-checking them. This allows you to use them in the airport, making it easier to transport your child and their belongings through security and during layovers. Gate-checked items are typically returned to you as soon as you disembark, minimizing the wait time at baggage claim.

10. Make the Most of Screen Time

While screen time should be limited in everyday life, flying with kids is an exception. Download their favorite movies, TV shows, games, or educational apps onto a tablet or smartphone before the trip. Screen time can be a valuable tool for entertainment and distraction during long flights, helping to keep your little ones engaged and content.

Road Trips and Transportation

11. Take a Road Trip

Consider embarking on a road trip as a family. Road trips offer flexibility and freedom to explore at your own pace. You can make unplanned stops, discover hidden gems, and enjoy the scenic routes. Plus, many kids find car rides soothing and nap better in the car, making road trips an excellent option for families with young children.

12. Rent Baby Gear at Your Destination

Rather than lugging bulky baby gear like high chairs, car seats, and cribs, consider renting them at your destination. Many cities have baby gear rental services that offer a wide range of equipment. This not only lightens your load but also ensures that you have clean and safe gear tailored to your child’s specific needs.

13. Pack Essentials and a Change of Clothes

Always pack essential items such as diapers, wipes, snacks, and spare clothing for your kids. Accidents and spills are bound to happen, so it’s wise to be prepared. Having a change of clothes on hand can save you from unnecessary stress and keep your little one comfortable throughout the journey.

14. Create a Calm Sleep Environment

Getting enough rest is crucial for a successful family trip. If you’re staying in accommodations that don’t provide a suitable sleep environment for your child, consider investing in portable sleep solutions. Products like SlumberPod or portable cribs can create a dark and quiet sleep space, ensuring a good night’s sleep for everyone.

15. Embrace the Great Outdoors with Glamping

If you’re looking to disconnect from screens and reconnect with nature, consider a glamping experience. Glamping combines the comforts of a hotel with the beauty and serenity of the great outdoors. It allows you to enjoy activities like hiking, stargazing, and roasting marshmallows while still having cozy accommodations for the whole family.

Making the Most of Your Stay

16. Choose Family-Friendly Accommodations

When selecting accommodations, prioritize family-friendly options. Look for hotels or resorts that offer amenities and services tailored to families, such as kids’ clubs, playgrounds, and babysitting services. Having a safe and entertaining environment will ensure that both parents and children have a memorable and enjoyable stay.

17. Research Kid-Friendly Activities

Before your trip, research and compile a list of kid-friendly activities and attractions at your destination. This will help you plan your itinerary and ensure that there are plenty of engaging and age-appropriate options for your children. From museums and theme parks to nature reserves and interactive exhibits, there are endless possibilities for family fun.

18. Keep Snacks Handy

Packing a variety of snacks is essential for family travel. Hungry kids can quickly become cranky and irritable, so having a selection of their favorite snacks can save the day. Opt for healthy options like fruit, granola bars, or trail mix to keep their energy levels up during long days of exploration.

19. Embrace Spontaneity and Flexibility

While it’s important to have a rough itinerary, leave room for spontaneity and flexibility in your plans. Kids can be unpredictable, and their interests may change throughout the trip. Embrace impromptu detours, unexpected discoveries, and moments of relaxation. Remember, the journey itself is an adventure, and the most cherished memories often come from unplanned moments.

20. Capture and Document the Memories

Don’t forget to document your family adventures. Take plenty of photos, write down memorable moments, and encourage your children to keep travel journals or create scrapbooks. These mementos will serve as treasured keepsakes and allow your family to reminisce about the amazing experiences you shared together.


Family travel is a wonderful opportunity to bond as a family and create lifelong memories. By following these expert tips and insights, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey for everyone involved. From planning and packing to embracing spontaneity and making the most of your stay, each step of the trip can be an adventure in itself. So, pack your bags, embark on your family adventure, and prepare for an unforgettable experience filled with joy, laughter, and new discoveries.