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Cambodia is a Southeast Asian country whose landscape covers low-lying plains, flat seas, mountains, and the beautiful Mekong Delta. Phnom Penh, the capital, is known for its elegant museum, grand hotel, and world-famous market, all packed into a UNESCO world heritage site. Further south is the beautiful ruins of Angkor Wat, an enormous, ancient temple complex built in the Khmer Dynasty. The capital of Cambodia, Angkor, attracts a large number of tourists from around the world every year.

To plan your trip to Cambodia, the best thing to do is to get hold of a comprehensive Cambodia tour package. The most popular tour packages include the Sihanoukville Tour, the Siem Reap Tour, the Cambodia Classic Tour, and the Siem Reap City Tour. Before booking your tour package, be sure to conduct some research to ensure that it covers all the places you want to visit in full. Most tour packages offer buses and minibusses to get you around, but if you prefer to walk, then you have the choice of a multitude of wonderful trekking routes in the country. A tourist guide is also recommended for the Cambodia Classic Tour as it can tell you a great deal about the history of the city and give a much-needed dose of street smarts.

Another way to see the country without spending too much money is to hire a bicycle and tour the cities on foot. If you have a long journey ahead of you, then it would be preferable to hire a vehicle to ensure safety. Tours of the cities by bicycle are not only inexpensive, but they also provide you with the opportunity to experience the sights, sounds, of the country.

The ideal tour package in Cambodia would combine sightseeing with shopping. Many tourist guides in the country can give valuable advice on where to shop. The prices are quite reasonable and include meals and drinks, as well as a chance to purchase unique souvenirs at small price discounts. One-stop that many tourists end up making is Phnom Phen city, which is known for its cheap Phnom Phen Hotels and souvenir shops. Other popular places to shop include Kompong Phluk, Lhuntse, Trat’s South East Corner, Dusit Zoo, and Central Market.

If you want to relax and enjoy some scenic views, then a Cambodia tour package for you would include a drive through the country. A popular road trip through the Khmer ruins of the Sukhumvit Hotel will give you an insight into the old civilization of Cambodia. The drive along the famous Khmer Rouge Trail will also take you to the Angkor Archaeological Park. While in Phnom Phen, you can stop by at the numerous shopping malls and small restaurants.

For a Cambodia tour package that includes the beaches, one can consider booking a cruise to Phnom Phen. The floating hotel allows travelers to view the beautiful sunsets from the beach. Other than the traditional holiday resorts, Phnom Phen offers a lot of fun activities such as water sports, diving, snorkeling, and more. One of the best things about Phnom Phen’s beaches is that they are rarely violent.

Cambodia tours offer many other opportunities for a Cambodia tour package. If you want to spend your days exploring Cambodia’s rich culture, there is no better option than a visit to Phnom Phen, or the coastal town of Muken. There are many historical sites in Phnom Phen and Muken. The latter’s beach is perfect for relaxing with a cold drink. Most tourists who come to Phnom Phen opt for a hot day trip to explore the nearby attractions.

Once you’ve decided on your preferred Cambodia tour package, you can get pre-booked on the flights that will take you there. Or, if you have a lot of time, you can just plan your own itinerary. You can either fly to Siem Reap or go by train. If you opt for the latter, then you may have to set up a base before you go there. You also have the option to ride a truck or a boat to reach your destination.

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