Travelers are always on the lookout for ideas to help them plan their trips. When you look at a globe, it can be hard to come up with a list of places to visit. What are the best places to visit around the world? What are the most famous places around the world that every traveler wants to see?

Some places really stand out from the rest. You can take pictures in a lot of places, like the Eiffel Tower or the Colosseum, that don’t need any explanation to figure out where they are. But some places aren’t as well known to first-time travelers or people who haven’t been to the more exotic places yet. These places are often the best to visit.

Many of these places of interest are important because of what they stand for and where they lead. In other cases, the country is worth going to because of the site itself. Some of these are the more well-known UNESCO World Heritage sites.

If you want to make a list of places you want to see in your life, you can start with our list of the best tourist spots in the world.

1. Eiffel Tower, Paris

The Eiffel Tower is a must-see attraction for all tourists because it is the emblem of Paris and one of the most photographed buildings in the world. There aren’t many places that ignite a passion for travel like this one iron building.

Young people setting out on their first trip, couples seeking a romantic break, creative types looking to be inspired, and romantics of all kinds are all drawn to Paris. In this city, history and culture converge, making it a destination where tourists of all kinds can have the experiences they want.

2. The Colosseum, Rome

The Colosseum is not only the most well-known and largest monument that has survived from the Roman Empire, but it is also the most popular tourist destination in modern-day Rome. For many years, it has ranked high on the “bucket list” of vacationers everywhere. And it does not disappoint.

The Colosseum is a popular tourist destination due to its convenient location in the middle of the city. Rome is served by direct flights from around the world every day, making it a place that, if you so desire, you can visit in just a single weekend. Explore the historic streets of Rome, go on a guided tour of the Colosseum, and if you have the time, consider going to other parts of Italy as well.

3. Statue of Liberty, New York City

The United States of America is filled with amazing landmarks and locations to explore, but the Statue of Liberty is the one location that most exemplifies what the country is all about. The French government presented the United States of America with this iconic representation of freedom in New York City in the year 1896.

This is one of the places that visitors to New York City absolutely cannot miss while they are there. The finest way to experience the Statue of Liberty is to ride to the top of the monument and take in the breathtaking panorama of New York City below you. The ride on the ferry to get to the statue itself is another pleasure of a visit.

4. Machu Picchu, Peru

If you are only going to see one thing in South America, you should come here. Machu Picchu, a city built by the Incas, is one of the most impressive ruins in the world.

The fact that it is high in the jungle-covered mountains of Peru is a big part of what makes it so interesting. The place is out of this world. It is on a high plateau surrounded by tall, green mountains. The people who built this amazing place in a jungle that would have been impossible to get through is impressive in and of itself.

There are now limits on how many people can visit each day, which has greatly improved the experience.

5. The Acropolis, Athens

The Acropolis, which is perched on top of modern-day Athens, beckons visitors to come closer. Walk up the same steps that people have been walking up since 438 BC, which is over 2,500 years ago. In doing so, you will be following in the footsteps of ancient people.

As you make your way between the carefully restored historic buildings, you will be treated to breathtaking panoramas of the city. You will want to linger near the end of the day so that you may watch the sunset from the stairs that are close to the entrance. This is something that happens every night in Athens.

Looking up at the site from the city below is another great way to experience it. Spend an evening enjoying a meal on a rooftop patio while taking in the beauty of the hilltop ruins illuminated in the evening.

6. The Taj Mahal, India

The Taj Mahal is the single most important landmark that visitors to India should not miss. The Taj Mahal, built in the 17th century, is the one location that truly validates a trip to India, despite the fact that the country is replete with amazing towns and other fantastic places to visit.

This tomb, which was built by Shah Jahan specifically for his wife Mumtaz Mahal, is famous all over the world as a representation of love. This incredible building, which is adorned with precious and semiprecious stones that have been inlaid, must be seen in person in order to be appreciated to its full potential.

The Taj Mahal’s exceptional beauty stems in part from its location on the banks of the river, as well as the gardens and pools that surround it.

7. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

You might feel as though you have a decent understanding of historic sites if you’ve been to places like the Colosseum in Rome or the Acropolis in Athens, both of which were constructed more than 2,000 years ago. However, the Pyramids of Giza bring a whole new meaning to the word “old.” These structures date back more than 4,500 years. Thousands upon thousands of years ago, visitors came from all over the world to marvel at these amazing structures.

The pyramids are simple to access due to their location just outside of Cairo; this is also the location of the Sphinx. Tours of the pyramids are straightforward to organize. Wonderful memories can be made by taking a camel ride at sunset around the structures.

8. Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China, which was constructed between the 14th and 17th centuries, is a dramatic contrast to the modern towns and skyscrapers that can be found throughout China. It is also an impressive image that tourists should not miss while they are there.

The vista of the construction winding off into the horizon is breathtaking if you take a stroll along the top of the wall. The length of the wall is staggering: 21,196 kilometers, and it passes through some uninhabited regions.

The Great Wall of China is a popular tourist destination in China, and visitors may easily arrange tours to the site from Beijing, which is located a relatively short distance away via motorcoach.

9. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Some visitors may have the impression that they are looking at a movie set when they see the ancient monuments of the Angkor complex since they are encircled by jungle and, in some cases, covered with large trees and roots.

When exploring Angkor Wat, the major temple that serves as the complex’s showpiece, it’s easy to have the impression that you’ve been transported to a different age. The Angkor Wat Temple Complex is without a doubt one of the most impressive locations in all of Southeast Asia. It is also the primary reason that so many people travel to Cambodia.

Images like those of the stone faces looking out over the buildings and gates will stay with you for a long time.

10. Petra, Jordan

As you make your way through the 1.2 kilometers of a thin crack in the sandstone hills and emerge in a buried city, you can have the impression that you are Indiana Jones. The city was first constructed more than 2,000 years ago, but it remained unknown to the outside world for another 600 years before it was rediscovered in 1812.

There are magnificent structures that have been cut right into the red rock walls. These structures have been magnificently preserved and beg to be examined and photographed.

This deserted city has a distinct atmosphere, which can be enhanced by arriving early because of the spooky silence and the lengthy shadows.

11. Grand Canyon, USA

The Grand Canyon is an essential stop for tourists who are making plans for a lifetime of travel because it is the most popular natural landmark in the entire country of the United States. Your senses will be jolted into action as you experience the exhilaration of standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and looking out over the sculpted landscape.

There are a number of trails within the canyon as well as around the rim, each of which leads to a different vantage point. If you walk even a little distance down the Bright Angel route, you can experience what the canyon is like below the rim and have access to more viewpoints.

Rafting the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon is an even more exciting option for those looking for an adventure.

The Grand Canyon presents an ever-changing panorama, both throughout the day and throughout the course of the year. Simply going once is never enough. If you are going to put this location on your list of places to visit, you should think about the activities that you want to participate in while you are here to figure out the best time to go.

12. Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge is one of those locations that compels you to speculate about the activities that took place in this area over 4,500 years ago. It has been a puzzle to historians for a very long time, and it has sparked the creativity of a great number of tourists. Stonehenge retains its aura of mysticism in spite of the vast number of visitors who go there every year.

At the location, enormous stones, some of which are upright while others are lying on their sides, have been arranged in two roughly circular patterns that have been positioned to emphasize the summer and winter solstices. Plan your trip to take place during one of these times to have an experience that will stay with you forever.

Stonehenge may be easily incorporated into your schedule for the United Kingdom as it is only a day journey away from London.

13. Borobudur, Indonesia

Borobudur, which is located in the middle of a humid jungle and with three volcanoes in the background, is the most popular tourist destination in Indonesia.

Borobudur is one of the oldest and largest Buddhist temples still standing today. It was constructed in the 9th century. It is a very interesting spot to just roam around in. There are about 500 Buddha statues located throughout the site, some of which are housed within elaborate stupas.

Visit the area as early in the morning as possible if you want the best chance of seeing some early mist and a clear view of the volcanoes. You will have the best opportunity of seeing some early mist early in the morning.

14. Niagara Falls, Canada & USA

These magnificent waterfalls, located on the international boundary between the United States of America and Canada, have been luring adventurers and tourists for generations. It just takes a little more than an hour to go to Niagara Falls from the city of Toronto, and once you get there, the town itself is a lot of fun to stay in for a night or two.

Take a boat tour to get an up-close look at the water as it pours over the edge of the canyon above you, go up to the edge of the falls for a fresh perspective, or stroll along the paved walk that along the gorge for a variety of vistas. Head up the Skylon Tower to get a bird’s-eye view of the falls for a more intimate perspective.

During the evening, you may observe the falls lighted in a variety of hues. If you go during the winter, make sure to look up at the falls and witness the massive cloud of mist that rises into the air above them.

15. Bagan, Myanmar

This historic landmark may not be on the radar of the ordinary traveler, but it is another one of Southeast Asia’s treasures that should be on everyone’s bucket list.

More than 10,000 religious constructions spanning from the years 1044 all the way up to 1287 can be seen spread out across a verdant plain. You can either take a guided tour or rent a bicycle and bike your way from one incredible structure to the next. You can go inside some of the structures, but the real beauty is in the sheer number of them that are scattered throughout the countryside.

Consider going on a sunrise trip in a hot air balloon if you want to see the landscape from above.

16. Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House is one of those sites that is easy to identify and obviously connected with Australia. This is true of many other attractions around the world, even those located in other countries. A picture of you in front of the white sails is the quintessential Australian souvenir.

The Sydney Opera House was constructed in various phases and was not open to the public until the late 1970s. Take a trip inside the building to get the full experience of the structure by seeing the unusual shape and hearing the amazing acoustics.

Take in the breathtaking panorama as you look back towards the world-famous Sydney Harbour Bridge from the area around the Opera House.

17. Mount Kilimanjaro

This gorgeous mountain, which is actually a dormant volcano, is one of the most iconic icons of the African continent. It is also the tallest point in all of Africa. An majestic 5,985 meters (19,340 feet) in height, the snow-capped peak is frequently used as a backdrop in images of the wild animals that wander Amboseli National Park and adjacent places.

You may hike up Mount Kilimanjaro, which is a multi-day journey, to get spectacular views over the surrounding area and to witness the dawn. Alternatively, you can simply observe this lovely scene from a distance.

18. The Louvre, Paris

The Louvre is the one museum in the entire globe that should be at the top of everyone’s list of places to visit at least once in their lifetime. This museum is one that you should see in Paris even if you are not a big lover of going to other museums.

Despite the fact that the majority of people know it as the location of the Mona Lisa, which is often considered to be the most renowned painting in the world, there are many other reasons to go to the Louvre.

The museum houses innumerable works of art that were created by some of the most talented people who have ever lived. However, the structure itself has become an iconic symbol. The glass pyramids and the architecture from the 18th century are instantly recognized to virtually everyone and have appeared in a large number of films.

19. Forbidden City, China

Along with the Great Wall, the Forbidden City in Beijing, which is also referred to as the Imperial Palace, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of China. The enormous edifice was built somewhere between the 14th and 15th century and is an impressive representation of historical China.

The palace was home to 24 different Ming and Qing emperors during the course of its history. The Palace Museum is located within the city itself, and it houses more than 340,000 relics that illustrate the wealth of China’s various dynasties. The enormous Tiananmen square can be found directly in front of the Forbidden City.

20. Prague Castle, Czech Republic

The Prague Castle, which dominates its surrounds due to its location on a hill across the river from the city’s historic core, exudes an air of overwhelming authority. The castle is comprised of a remarkable collection of buildings that were created between the 9th and 14th centuries.

Cross the elegant Charles Bridge, which was built in the 14th century and spans the Vltava River, and then make your way up the hill to explore the winding, narrow lanes that make up the castle complex. The castle is one of the largest in the world, and it seems like there is a historical structure, a church, or an open plaza at practically every corner.

21. Chichen Itza, Mexico

Since a popular book by John Lloyd Stevens in 1843 brought the ancient Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza to people’s attention, they have been visited by curious tourists. The site, which is near the middle of the Yucatan Peninsula, is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Mexico.

The 30-meter-high Pyramid of Kukulkán and many of the other important buildings, like the Great Ball Court, the Temple of the Warriors, and the creepy Skull Platform, have been brought back to their former glory.

Chichen Itza is about 200 kilometers from Cancun. You can visit it on your own or with a group in a single day from Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and other places along the Mayan Riviera.

22. Corcovado and Cristo Redentor, Rio de Janeiro

The beautiful statue of Cristo Redentor sits on top of Corcovado mountain and keeps an eye on the people of Rio de Janeiro. Since 1931, this 30-meter-tall statue of a man with his arms open has been one of Rio’s most popular tourist spots.

One of the 7 natural wonders of the world is Rio de Janeiro’s harbor. From the top of the 709-meter Corcovado, you can see this beautiful scene, including Sugarloaf Mountain and the city, which is a great place to take pictures. The best way to get to the top is to take the 3.5-kilometer Corcovado Rack Railway through the forests of Tijuca National Park.

23. Château de Versailles, France

The incredible Chateau de Versailles shows how rich and grand France was in the 1700s. The chateau and its grounds are on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, so you should put them near the top of your list of places to visit in France.

The incredible Chateau de Versailles has 2,300 rooms with some of France’s best interior design, especially in the Hall of Mirrors, which is known all over the world. The King’s State Apartment and the Queen’s Apartment are two other important rooms.

The grounds of the chateau are 800 hectares, and the Gardens are one of the most interesting places to see (Les Jardins). Geometric paths lead past perfectly trimmed hedges and peaceful pools. The pools are surrounded by perfectly mowed lawns.

24. Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji is Japan’s most famous and tallest mountain. This dormant volcano, which is often shown with a snowy top, is both a spiritual site and one of the most popular places to visit in Japan. Mount Fuji is one of three Holy Mountains in Japan. It is 3,776 meters high and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In Japan, many people like to hike to the top of the mountain. Nearly 300,000 people go to the top each year by taking one of four routes. Timing your hike so that you reach the top just before sunrise is one of the most popular things to do.

Mount Fuji is 100 kilometers east of Tokyo. Tours and public transportation make it easy to get there.

25. Central Park, New York City

One of the most well-known and well-loved public parks in the world is Central Park, which is located in New York City. People come from all over the world to visit this park. Since it was established in 1858, the city’s residents as well as visitors have been drawn to the park by its walks, lakes, and historical monuments. The park has been the setting for a large number of films and television shows.

There are many enjoyable things to do in Central Park, such as taking a ride in a horse-drawn carriage through the park, going to the Strawberry Fields Forever area and the Imagine monument, which are both dedicated to the memory of the late John Lennon, renting a row boat, or simply going for a stroll beneath the massive trees. Skating on ice is one of the most well-liked wintertime activities in New York City, so be sure to give it a try if you ever find yourself in Central Park during the colder months. Skating together on a frozen pond is another romantic activity that may be enjoyed in the Big Apple.

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Sherry Thibault
Proud social media maven. Travel expert. Professional organizer. Twitter enthusiast. Coffee buff. Explorer. Avid tv aficionado.